Wandering the Digital Plains...

You sneakily climb the strings of the World Wide Web, avoiding the menacing arachnoid shadows and seeking to find other free-roamers. This place is now much more organized than it used to be, with spider overseers enjoying full access and total surveillance to their entangled users. Rolled up in silk, they're packed tightly together, yet still the silk separates them from each other and paralyzes their bodies, depriving them of solidarity and agency.

And yet, you're here, on this corner of the Web. The buzzing is distant, and the strings are a bit more loose. Breathe in, stranger. No doubt, the Spider Overseers are still watching, but here is a brief respite from their many arms and eyes.

It's nice here, but once and again we will have to visit the densely populated centers. If you want to reach out to me there, have my address.

A bit about me...